Contact rePURPOSE today for a consultation

Catherine O'Brien

About the Organizer

Catherine O'BrienCatherine O'Brien thinks it's fun to sort, pack, organize and think of new ways to use things. She thought everyone did. Friends and family had to point out to her that what comes second nature to her — being able to "see" the best arrangement for a room, having creative solutions for repurposing items and being able to effectively cut through clutter — isn't always that easy for the rest of us.

Photo of a paintingCatherine has spent her entire career organizing people, projects and ideas, streamlining processes and eliminating waste in organizations. To her, organizing possessions is infinitely easier. In one rePURPOSE session she can set you on your way to untangle years of disorganization.

You need our service if

  1. You are downsizing — have moved or are planning to move to a smaller home and want to make it all fit.
  2. The kids have left home and you want to reclaim their space.
  3. You are blending families and households.
  4. You are tired of clutter.
  5. You can't find things, don't know where to put things.
  6. You want to live more lightly.
  7. You are the repository of the family memorabilia and don't know what to do with it all.
  8. You simply want to see the surface of your desk again.